The following project references have been selected to illustrate ECG’s broad and in-depth experience in the electric power industry. Two references are presented for each typical project type.
Technical and commercial advisor for the Azito (Ivory Coast) combined-cycle power plant conversion project enabling an increase in capacity of 140 MW without additional fuel consumption
Client: Azito Energie
Owner’s engineer during the supervision, commissioning and operation of the 1,200 MW combined-cycle power plant in Hadjret en Nousse in Algeria
Client: SKH
Lender’s technical advisor (LTA) during the due diligence, financial closing, construction and commissioning of the 92 MW diesel engine IPP Albatros in Mali
Client: African Development Bank (Banque Ouest Africaine de développement BOAD)
Lender’s technical advisor (LTA) during the due diligence and financial closing of the 65 MW combined-cycle gas IPP Kékéli in Togo
Client: Oragroup, African Development Bank (BOAD), Guarantco, African Finance Corporation (AFC)
Classification and valuation of the assets of a hydroelectric power plant in the context of the end of the concession
Client: Société des Forces Motrices du Châtelot
Technical and commercial expertise in the context of the transfer of the Lavey hydroelectric at the end of the concession and the renewal of this concession
Client: Canton de Vaud
Owner’s engineer during call for tender, EPC and O&M contract negotiation, design, construction and commissioning of the 127 MW dual-fuel engine power plant in Maria Gléta in Benin
Client: Société Béninoise d'Energie Electrique (SBEE)
Owner’s engineer during the design, construction and commissioning of the Yerevan 2 (IPP) 250 MW combined-cycle gas power plant in Armenia
Client: Armpower
Technical audit including a site condition assessment regarding the relocation of a gas power plant from India to Africa
Client: SBPE
Technical and économic study of conversion of a 230MW power plant from lignite to biomass combined with a CCS system (Bulgaria)
Client: Contour Global
IPP transaction advisor during tender and negotiation of the concession agreement and the PPA for the 140 MW diesel engine IPP in Maria Gléta, Benin
Client: Energy Ministry
IPP transaction advisor during project structuring and call for tender for four photovoltaic IPPs in Benin (50 MW net)
Client: EY for MCA
PPP (public private partnership) consulting services on the renewal of Swiss hydroelectric concessions and the determination of asset value
Client: Energy Department of Canton Wallis
Technical and financial advisor for the feasibility study, call for tender and contract negotiation on the supply of gas through a FSRU (floating storage and regasification unit)
Client: Presidency of the Republic of Benin
Technical and commercial advisor for the development of the 400 MW combined-cycle power plant in Cornaux, Switzerland. This included a feasibility study, project structuring, financial modelling, technical specifications, the call for tender and support securing permits
Client: Groupe E
Technical and financial advisor on the development of the 400 MW combined-cycle IPP in Songon, Ivory Coast. This included a feasibility study, project structuring, financial modelling, technical specifications, and support for contract negotiations (concession, PPA, EPC and O&M)
Client: Starenergie
Due diligence of the Argessa hydropower plant complex in the context of an acquisition: assessment of the condition of the plant, energy statistics, risk analysis, estimation of future investment needs and analysis of operating costs
Client: ESB
Due diligence, valuation and support for the tender for the acquisition of a renewable power plant portfolio (wind, hydro, PV among which 300 MW in operation and 350 MW permitted) in Norway, Sweden, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy
Client: Blackstone
Development of self-generation projects for electricity and steam from renewable energy sources for a major industrial group
Client: Philip Morris International
Technical, commercial and contractual advice on gas supply to Benin in the context of a need to increase gas capacity
Client: SBPE
Due diligence, valuation and tender for the acquisition of run-of-river 35 MW power plant portfolio
Client: IBBrugg, SW Lenzburg, Regio Energie Solothurn, SW Zofingen
Valuation of a 600 MW hydro pump storage power plant, business plan for ancillary services and strategic advice on the acquisition
Client: SBB
Technical and M&A transaction advisor for the acquisition of a 50% stake in the 405 MW Timelkam combined-cycle power plant in Austria
Client: Groupe E
Technical and M&A transaction advisor for the acquisition of several existing thermal power plants in Europe. This included due diligence, valuation and contract negotiations (4,600 MW in total)
Client: Private Equity Fund
Audit of the existing thermal power plants in Libya, review of the upgrading proposal from a technical, economic and commercial viewpoint and advice on implementation, operation and maintenance
Client: GECOL
Technical, health, safety and environmental audit of the 120 MW Sendou thermal power plant (IPP) in Senegal on behalf of the electricity off-taker and the lenders, including a remedial action plan
Client: African Development Bank and Sénélec
Technical and commercial assistance regarding the development of a 25 MW wind farm (technical specification, business plan, call for tender, contract negotiation, grid studies)
Client: VOénergies
Development of the financial model of a portfolio of renewable energy power plants
Client: Swisspower
Valuation of the Orsières hydroelectric power plant in the context of concession renewal
Client: FMO
Classification and valuation of the assets of a hydroelectric power plant in the context of the end of the concession
Client: Société des Forces Electriques de la Goule
Diagnostic and root cause analysis of two 135 MW steam turbines at the Calaca power plant in the Philippines, including resolution of serious mechanical issues and supervision of overhaul work
Client: South Luton Power Generation Company
Root cause analysis of vibrations in a large steam turbine, resolution of the vibrations, supervision of re-balancing work
Client: Future Greenenergy Company
Technical assistance for the technical and commercial operation of a 32 MWc photovoltaic IPP including a battery
Client: Société National d’Electricité du Tchad
Audit of rental power plant contracts and economic analysis
Client: EDM, Energie Du Mali
Restructuring of the operation and maintenance company (O&M) responsible for a hydroelectric complex: audit, cost analysis and benchmarking, efficiency improvement program, and contractual restructuring
Client: ELSA
Audit, benchmarking and strategic positioning of a business unit responsible for the operation and maintenance of hydroelectric power plants
Client: Groupe E
Strategic advice and support for a major gas and steam turbine manufacturer: strategic positioning, standardisation, supply chain management, development of O&M service package, merger and acquisition projects
Client: Major gas turbine manufacturers
Several expert opinions and dispute resolution support related to insurance cases, patent issues and claims on the part of EPC contractors
Client: Major legal advisors
Commercial consulting services on the restructuring and sale of an energy contract portfolio (due diligence, call for tendering, contract negotiations and post-transaction support, Switzerland)
Client: Cimo
Commercial and economic consulting services on auxiliary services to be provided by a Swiss hydroelectric power plant (100 MW, multiple reservoirs): business plan, call for tender, contract drafting and negotiations
Client: BKW
Development of a training programme for project financing (IPP, independent power producer, power generation and energy industry regulation)
Client: African Legal Support Facility of AfDB (African Developpment Bank)
Advice on industry regulation, market intelligence and business plan for renewal of the French hydro concession
Client: EWZ
Development according to the tolling agreement and implementation of a thermodynamic model for a 345 MW gas power plant combined with a desalination process (IPP Kahrama in Algeria)
Client: Kahrama
Technical due diligence Owendo gas-fired Engine BOOT project in Gabon
Client: Africa50
Pre-feasibility study regarding a 10 MW natural gas-fired power plant in Republic of Congo
Client: GETS
Due diligence and valuation of the CHP (combined heat and power) plant supplying a chemical site in Switzerland, support during the acquisition of the power plant, support during contract implementation
Client: Cimo
Audit of 14 thermal IPPs and development of a methodology to enable the State to regularly audit the performance of the power plants and verify the invoices sent by the IPP for their declared capacity
Client: Energy Ministry of Ghana
Technical and contractual audit of the Goudel IPP in Niger in relation with a refinancing (89 MW, diesel engines)
Client: Ecobank
Valuation of the Swiss transmission network, clarifying regulatory issues with regard to cost calculation methodology and defining the applicable rules
Client: ATEL, BKW, CKW, EGL, EOS, EWZ, NOK, Rätia Energie
Strategic analysis, valuation, due diligence and successful SPA (share purchase agreement) negotiation up to contract signing for the acquisition of Swissgrid shares
Client: EOS Holding
Due diligence, valuation, call for tender and contract negotiation for the sale of a distribution network
Client: Cimo
Due diligence, advice on transaction, drafting and negotiation of the sales contract, support during implementation
Client: FMO
Economic and regulatory analysis for a HVDC merchant line project between Italy and Switzerland, advising the investor on strategic positioning of the interconnection
Client: NEMO
Regulatory due diligence in several European countries for capacity mechanisms and ancillary services; network study to assess appropriate generation location
Client: Blackstone
Expert opinion and support for dispute resolution for cross-border transmission rights between France and Switzerland
Client: EGL
Expert opinion on regulatory framework for electricity network connections: request process, contract and operational rules
Client: Swissasset
Cost and efficiency benchmarking of six regional network operators in Switzerland
Client: Axpo, BKW, AET, FMV, EWZ, Repower
Audit of the maintenance strategy, review of the maintenance plan and organisation, assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of maintenance
Client: Swissgrid
Study of electrical losses (technical and commercial) for the Congolese distribution operator and proposal for improvements in the context of privatisation
Client: E2C
Cost benchmarking and efficiency improvement programme for construction, maintenance and metering
Client: Groupe E
Audit of network protection for the Swiss electricity transmission grid, in particular, the organisation, processes, systems, and operational rules
Client: Swissgrid
Audit of the security of supply for Swiss railway corporation SBB, in particular, the organisation, processes, systems, operational rules, dispatcher training and quality assurance
Client: Swiss Federal Railway (SBB)
Strategic positioning and SWOT analysis of two departments at a network operator (engineering and network operation departments)
Client: EWZ
Management consulting services for the spin-off strategy of an engineering department, the market positioning, pricing and the sale process
Client: Major Swiss utility
Technical and economic audit of a distribution network, assessment of the security of supply, recommendations for investment planning and operational practices
Client: ESB
Technical and economic optimisation of voltage control in a distribution system in order to reduce the costs related to reactive power exchanged with the transmission system
Client: CKW
Management consulting services for the merger of two dispatching centres (interviews, brainstorming, analysis and business plan)
Client: esr
Business plan and technical pre-feasibility study for the implementation of smart metering for a multi-utility (electricity, water, gas)
Client: ESB
Expert opinion on the connection of a 20 MW wind park to the power grid: technical feasibility study, clarification of regulatory issues and advice on cost sharing park to the power grid: technical feasibility study, clarification of regulatory issues and advice on cost sharing
Client: SWG
Network study on the integration of two wind farms of 35 MW each into the grid, including dynamic simulations and recommendations on network planning and operation
Client: SOFRECO for Union Eletrica de Cuba
Technical and commercial advice on the connection of an 18 MW data centre to the distribution network: Advice on feasibility, regulatory issues and project development, review and negotiation of the connection contract
Client: Safehost
Technical and economic study on the network integration of six power plants (90 MW) in Benin, including assessment of regulating capacity (frequency control) and power plant scheduling (unit commitment)
Client: INTEC for MCA
Technical and economic analysis of electricity demand and identification of network upgrade requirements and operational measures
Client: Albatros and Energie du Mali (EDM)
Network study on the connection of a 300-1,000 MW wind farm in Kenya, including transient stability calculation and harmonic analysis
Client: SOFRECO for KenGen
Network study on the connection of new thermal power plants to the Beninese transmission network: calculations and clarification of technical issues for network protection and control
Client: SBEE
Feasibility study and technical specifications for the connection of the 2x30 MW photovoltaic power plant in Boundiali, Ivory Coast
Client: INTEC for CIE
Expert opinion on the selection of the neutral point scheme in a distribution network
Client: CKW
Training for power system operation, network planning, integration of intermittent power generation and market structuring
Client: Client: Transmission network operators, regulation agencies or ministries in emerging economies
Technical support for network issues: network fault analysis, protection issues, network planning and investigation of equipment failures
Client: SEFA
Insulation coordination studies and recommendations for protection against lightning overvoltage
Client: Alpiq
Multiple analyses of transformer failures, advice on insurance issues and risk management
Client: Power plant or transmission system operators
Market studies on high-voltage equipment and transformers, SWOT analysis of target acquisition company, recommendations for acquisition and integration strategy
Client: Private equity fund
Strategic and IT consulting services for concept development, design, testing and implementation of an online tariff calculation tool for a utility
Client: EKZ
Comprehensive power and gas tariff study, encompassing benchmarking, methodology definition, regulatory compliance assessment, testing, tariff calculation and support during implementation
Client: EW Uster
Second expert opinion on the introduction of an entry-exit tariff model for the West African Gas Pipeline and tariffs for the Beninese lateral
Client: Energy Ministry of Benin
Tender agent for a major consulting project for the TAP (Trans Adriatic Pipeline) and development of a regulatory framework for the Albanian gas industry
Client: State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
Business plan, project structuring and contract drafting and negotiations for a steam generation project between an incineration plant and a chemical plant
Client: SATOM
Business plan for a district heating project. Cost calculation, economic modelling and roll-out simulation
Client: IB Murten
Economic, regulatory and tariff study on a water distribution network in order to verify its financial viability
Client: IB Murten
Business plan for the development of a telecommunication infrastructure, enabling the implementation of smart technologies at a Swiss multi-utility
Client: ESB
Off-grid systems
Socio-economic and technical feasibility study on rural electrification by means of off-grid hybrid photovoltaic systems (photovoltaic panels, batteries and small diesel engines)
Client: AMADER
Due diligence, management interviews and site visit to a manufacturer of smart battery storage systems for a potential investor
Client: Private equity investor
Feasibility study and business plan for an off-grid PV-diesel engine-battery system supplying electricity to a manufacturer in Bangladesh
Client: Stylecraft
Owner’s engineer for an off-grid engine power plant of 35 MW supplying a steel mill, including assessment of stand-alone capability
Client: Aciera d’Angola (ADA)
Advice on design, specification and support for the call for tender for a rural electrification project in Burkina Faso, including irrigation pumps for agriculture
Client: Bagrépole
Economic and tariff study on decentralised PV & battery systems to increase energetic autonomy and minimise grid usage
Client: EKZ
Technical assistance regarding net metering, photovoltaics and batteries in Ghana
Client: SECO, Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs
Identification of sites appropriate for 20+MW battery systems
Client: FlowerTech
Technical and economic feasibility study regarding a Green Hydrogen project using local surplus of wind and water energy to generate hydrogen for transport applications
Client: Elektrizitätswerk Ursern
Owner’s Engineer supervising the construction and commissioning of one of the first Silyser-300 hydrogen plants in Germany serving Hydrogen refilling stations and a local industrial gas firm.
Client: WUN H2 GmbH
Technical Advisor for the project development of two Green Ammonia plants including the concept design and EPC contractor selection for the H2 electrolysis, air separation unit, and ammonia reaction parts of the plants.
Client: Fuella
Technical and transaction advisory services to the equity and industrial partners for the development of a H2 project